Islamic countries, but everything forbidden in Quran is acceptable, openly eat pork!

We are all surrounded by such people, many of whom like to eat non-veg and some eat completely vegetarian food. Similarly, the food and drink of people coming from different parts of the country is also different. Some eat idli-sambar and some are fond of rice and lentils. Some eat big pav for breakfast and some like to eat poha. Some companions take puri-sabzi-parathas and some companions eat dosa. It means to say that every person eats and drinks according to his local culture.

His original nature is there. But, in modern times, religion has influenced these local cultures. At present, people are told to eat and drink according to their religion. This thing applies to all religions. But, today we are telling about a country whose majority of the population is religiously Islamic, but their food and drink is completely non-Islamic. Most of the people of that country do and eat all those things which have been declared haram in Islam. These people eat pork with great passion and drink alcohol. Here physical relationship between lover and girlfriend is also accepted before marriage.

Actually, the country we are talking about is situated in the middle of Eastern Europe. The population here is more than 28 lakhs. In this, about 60 percent are more than 17 lakh Muslims and more than 10 lakh (about 38 percent) Christians. The literacy rate here is up to 99 percent. The per capita income here is $15,490 i.e. around Rs 12 lakh annually. This is a very beautiful country. But, the biggest goodness here is that the people of this country believe in different religions but their local traditional culture dominates them.

The name of the country we are talking about is Albania. Officially, it is being described as a developing country, but it is far ahead of all South East Asian countries including India and Pakistan. The people here are educated and modern. These people do not let religion dominate their choice. You can guess from this that the Muslim people of Albania eat a lot of pork. Actually, a lot of pork is used in the traditional food of Albania. In such a situation, the pork which is included in the list of the biggest haram things in Islam is consumed by the Muslim people from here. You find pork all the time in Albanian traditional food and fast food shops.

The king who built the first mosque in the country, himself accepted Islam, then the whole kingdom was ruined!

fond of alcohol, do not offer namaz
The Muslim people of Albania also drink heavily. Actually, due to extreme cold in whole Europe, traditionally people consume more alcohol and meat. The same thing applies to Albania. The majority of people here are religiously Islamic, but their culture is completely different from Arabia, the birthplace of Islam. Many users have given their opinion about this on the Quora website. One of the users writes that if you scratch the face of the Muslims of Albania, you will find that a Christian person is hidden inside it. It means to say that the influence of Christianity is more on the culture and society here. In such a situation, despite the majority of the population being religiously Muslim, their culture is dominated by local influences.

Such a weak hold of religion
Albania is the first country of its kind in the world where policies were adopted at the level of governance to weaken the hold of religion. During the 20th century, whatever governance system was formed there, everyone insisted on reducing the importance of religion in life. Because of this, religious customs weakened in every section of the society. Communist rule came to an end in Albania in 1991. Since then all religions especially Islam got a chance to expand.

Tags: Ajab ajab news, OMG News

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