ISRO missions international space missions and projects nasa know everything about future of India government in loksabha

ISRO Missions: ISRO has done many such works on which we Indians are proud today, So, if we look at the last 10 If we look at the years, it is difficult to understand what ISRO has achieved in the last few years.,What achievements have been made, Recently the government was questioned about this in the Lok Sabha, In response to which Union Minister Dr, Jitendra Singh, while giving a written reply, has answered about the upcoming projects and past projects of ISRO in the last few years,

March mission was successful

Union Minister Dr, Jitendra Singh yesterday (1 august, To Lok Sabha in a written response that the number of space startups 2014 In 1 Above 2024 In 229 Has occurred, At the same time, he said that the Mars Orbiter Mission has achieved its prescribed technical, The scientific objectives have been achieved as well,

First interplanetary mission to Mars, has succeeded in advancing the understanding of the Martian atmospheric structure and providing clues to estimate the rate of atmospheric loss,

2014 How many missions have been launched till now,

ISRO has last 10 in years 54 Spacecraft Mission53 launch vehicle mission and 8 Technology demonstrators have been, Union Minister Dr, Jitendra Singh said,ISRO is enhancing its technical support to facilitate a vibrant space ecosystem in IndiaIN-SPACe sharing your expertise and facility usage via,

Singh also said that the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) Launch vehicle manufacturing, Satellite Development, Providing technical support to several space startups involved in space applications and ground systems,

Astrosat achieved these major successes

As per the reply given in MP, ISRO has achieved some important successes, which include smaller galaxies ,alive, witnessing the formation, from Earth 9.3 Detecting UV light emission from a galaxy billion light years away, Solving a decades-old puzzle of a source exhibiting both hot and cold emission features, X in Crab Nubella,Discovery of ray polarization, Quasi-frequency of the black hole system in terms of dynamical frequency,Identifying periodic oscillations, To find out how black holes were born,

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