It is almost impossible for humans to reach these 5 places in the world, one is also in India

Even today there are many places in the world where humans are completely inaccessible. That is, humans know about these places, but humans are not yet in a position to reach here and stop and know about these places. Today we will tell you about five such places, where modern man i.e. today’s man has not been able to reach. One of these places is also in India. 

The first place is Vale Do Javari

Vale Do Javari Amazon in Brazil There is an area of ​​about 33 thousand square miles inside the forest. The world’s most dangerous tribes live here. According to counting, around 2000 people live in this area. However, out of these 2 thousand people, there are 14 tribes who are still away from modern humans. That means today’s humans have not yet established strong relationships with them. It is said that the people living in the 19 villages present here live their lives with the help of the forest and are very dangerous for outsiders.

Devon Island /p>

Devon Island is one of those few places in the world which always remained hidden from human sight. Devon Island near Nunavut, Canada is also called the home of aliens. Actually, the temperature and environment of this place is such that life is not possible here. Even NASA had to face a lot of difficulties in doing research here. There is always dense fog here and sometimes the temperature here falls to -58 Fahrenheit i.e. about -50 degrees Celsius.

Gangkhar Puensum

Gangkhar Punsum is considered one of the most mysterious places in the world. This hill located on the border of Tibet in North Bhutan is not for common people. Common people cannot even go here without permission. It is said that the people living around this hill perform some special kind of worship here which is still hidden from the rest of the world. Till date only a few humans have been able to reach the top of this hill situated at an altitude of 24,836 feet above sea level.

Star Mountains

< p>Star Mountain is one of the most beautiful and dangerous places in the world. This mountain located in Papua New Guinea is like a path to another world. If you look at the sky from here, you will see the stars very clear and big. The peak of this hill is more than 15 thousand feet.

The fifth and last place

This is North Sentinel Island. This island of Andaman Islands located in the Bay of Bengal is very beautiful, but it is also very dangerous because of the Sentinel people living here. No one is allowed to go here. The government has imposed a ban on visiting this island. Actually, there are tribes living here who have no contact with the world. This is a small island of 23 square miles, on which humans have been living for 60 thousand years, but till date their food and lifestyle remains a mystery to the world.

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