Jammu and Kashmir name interesting history facts and details

History of Jammu and Kashmir: The state of India is in the news every day for some reason or the other, This state is famous for its beauty and the issue of terrorism is also discussed here., In such a situation, let us know today how this beautiful state got its name and what is its history,

How Jammu got its name,

Every state and city of India has a different history, The reason behind their name is also quite interesting, Similarly, there is a special story behind the name of the Indian state Jammu and Kashmir., Actually the city of Jammu is named after Jambu Lochan, who was the brother of Bahu, a powerful local chieftain who ruled in the ninth century, It is said that after becoming king, Jambu Lochan went hunting and while crossing the Tawi river he found a deer and a tiger drinking water from the same pond,

His ministers explained that this meant that the soil of this place was so sacred that no living creature bore enmity towards another., After this king Jambu Lochan shifted his capital to, Jambupura, decided to build it on this earth, Which was situated on the right bank of Tawi in front of the fort of her brother Raja Bahu, This Jambupura later came to be known as Jammu,

There is a different story behind the name of Kashmir

Like Jammu, there is a different history behind the name of Kashmir, It is believed that the ancient name of Kashmir was named after sage Kashyap., According to the mythology, A demon named Jalodbhav had spread terror after taking the boon from Brahma, After this, on the request of the gods, Bhagwati in the form of a bird killed the demon by keeping a stone in her beak., Later that stone became Hari Parvat and Maharishi Kashyap settled this place by taking out water from his head., After which this place came to be known as Kashmir and thus Jammu and Kashmir was formed.

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