Jews were thrown into gas chambers as soon as they reached the camp; they begged for death because of their hatred of Hitler.

Adolf Hitler is still known as a cruel dictator. The torture camps built by him testify to Hitler’s hatred of the Jews. Jews were brought from European countries for these camps. Hitler had built 40 such camps, in which Jews were tortured and killed. Hitler wanted to eliminate all traces of the Jews. This was the reason why he had killed 60 lakh Jews, which included 15 lakh children. This painful massacre is known as the Holocaust. 

This is how Jews were tortured in Hitler’s camps.
It is not hidden from anyone how much Adolf Hitler, born in Austria on April 20, 1889, hated the Jews. During the Second World War, Hitler built 40 camps in Poland to exterminate all traces of Jews. These were called concentration camps. Where the Jews were brought and put in the gas chamber. 

Those who were fit to work were put under house arrest. The identity of these Jews was completely erased and a number was written on their hands. After which the Jew could not take his name, his identity was only that number. Buildings were built from prisoners capable of working and then new Jews were brought into them.

There were neither clothes nor hair on the head.
These Jews were tortured so much that even when they were alive, they became like dead people. The hair on their heads was shaved and their clothes were also taken away. They were given just enough food to survive. When a Jew became too weak, he was put into a gas chamber and killed. In this way, during the six years of World War I, Hitler had killed approximately 60 lakh Jews.       

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