Journey of Taste: Buttermilk is very helpful in preventing acidity, keeps the body cool, its history is interesting


Consumption of buttermilk is helpful in improving the digestive system.
Buttermilk also works to keep the body cool in the summer season.

Swad Ka Safarnama: Buttermilk is one such beverage among milk products, whose consumption is increasing rapidly in India. In fact, the increasing popularity and consumption of junk food has brought buttermilk very close to the people. The person who eats definitely has this desire that if buttermilk is mixed instead of water along with the food, the pleasure of eating will be doubled, as well as ‘good’ for the body. In fact, the biggest feature of buttermilk is that it is helpful in preventing acidity, its effect is also cool and it is also considered very beneficial for the digestive system. The history of buttermilk is very interesting.

Now a bottle of buttermilk with tiffin in lunch

If you go to any dairy product shop, you will find that packets of milk and curd are not only available there, but also different types of butter milk and sachets and tray packs of different companies will be seen. These include normal buttermilk, masala buttermilk, mint buttermilk etc. Talk to the owner of the shop and he will answer that now a days buttermilk is sold throughout the year and its consumption increases manifold in summer. The reason for this is that earlier people of older age used to drink buttermilk more, but now people of all ages have started enjoying drinking buttermilk. People especially the youth have started to understand that no matter how much junk or continental food you eat, if you drink butter milk along with it then there is no problem in digestion. The condition of consumption of buttermilk is such that the people carrying lunch in the office have now started carrying bottles of buttermilk along with it.

Consumption of buttermilk gives relief in stomach related problems. Image-Canva

There is a shop in Old Delhi’s Chandni Chowk, where breakfast of bread and butter along with spiced buttermilk is served in the morning. People like this breakfast a lot. By the way, well-known restaurants are adding butter milk along with lassi in their menu. The funny thing is that people everywhere are liking buttermilk.

Buttermilk is being made as a commercial product

After all, what is buttermilk and what is its history. Actually buttermilk is the lowest level product of milk production or say it is such a drink, which could not be given any special attention till recently. Either the poor people used to take it from the farmers in the villages, or it was put in the fodder of the cattle. But it is said that ‘the days of a gaze also roam’. By the way, the days of Ghure go around on Diwali only, they have gone around for buttermilk only for 12 months. In fact, when milk is coagulated and curd is made from it and butter is extracted from that curd, then the thin white water that remains is called buttermilk.

Since the popularity and demand of buttermilk has increased, it has started being produced commercially. Now big dairy product companies make buttermilk by mixing appropriate amount of water in curd and sell it in packets and treta packs. The difference is that earlier the amount of fat or fat used to make buttermilk at home etc. was almost negligible, but nowadays all the elements of curd are found in the buttermilk sold. The history of buttermilk is directly related to milk or curd. In India, it has a history of thousands of years ago. There is a lot of description of milk and curd in the religious texts of India, especially in Vedas and Puranas. So an important part of the life of Lord Krishna who incarnated in Dwapar Yuga is related to milk, curd, butter. It can be believed that the history of buttermilk in India is thousands of years old.

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Importance of buttermilk in religion and Ayurvedic texts

It is not that information about them has been given in the scriptures only, buttermilk (Takra) has also been described in the Ayurvedic texts of India to keep the body healthy. Takra has been described in the Dugdhavarga: chapter of the treatise (Charaka Samhita) written in the seventh-eighth century BC and it has been described as a drink that digests oily food, is beneficial in urinary problems, stomach diseases and removes toxins from the body. The specialty of buttermilk is also defined by another Sanskrit verse that Bhojanante Pibet Takram, Dinante Cha Pibet Payah. Nishante Pibet Vaari: Dosho Jayate Kadachan:.. That means the one who drinks buttermilk after meals, milk at night and water in the morning, never has any kind of defect or disease in his body.

Buttermilk has high cooling properties, so it also keeps high blood pressure under control. Image-Canva

Now you must have understood how useful buttermilk is for the body. It is being drunk as a spicy, sweet drink, now the trend of adding buttermilk instead of water to enhance the taste of the vegetable has started increasing. Spicy potato curry dipped in buttermilk can be liked by everyone.

Blocks acid and relieves constipation

Since today’s buttermilk is being made from curd, more properties are found in it and it also becomes extremely beneficial for the body. Vaidyaraj Dinanath Upadhyay, former dean of Mumbai University, says that any product of milk is considered beneficial for the stomach, but these products contain more protein and fat, so it is possible that they can cause side effects as well. But their quantity in buttermilk is very less and the rest of the properties remain the same, so it gives proper benefits to the body. If it is taken with or after food, it prevents the formation of acid in the body, that is, acidity problem can be relieved. It also calms burning sensation in the stomach or chest.

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If buttermilk is mixed with black salt, ground cumin etc., it will not only provide coolness but will also remove the toxins present in the body. It also maintains the digestion system of the body. The lactic acid and bacteria present in it help in promoting digestion and digesting food. The problem like constipation can be relieved by its use.

Provides strength to bones and muscles

Buttermilk is considered better in summer because it prevents dehydration in the body. It will hydrate the body and maintain water balance in the body. Since buttermilk has high cooling properties, it also keeps high blood pressure under control. If our blood pressure remains regular, then the heart will also be saved from problems. Since calcium is naturally present in buttermilk, it also provides strength to bones and muscles. This can effectively reduce the risk of their weakness. Normally there is no problem in consuming buttermilk, but drinking it at night should be avoided. Avoid consuming it if you are suffering from cold or fever. It will be better if you refrain from drinking it even in extremely cold weather.

Tags: food, Lifestyle

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