Journey of taste: Khirni keeps muscles and digestion healthy, boosts immunity, interesting history of Indian fruit


Khirni is not only unique in taste, but it is also matchless in qualities.
Khirni strengthens the muscles, keeps the digestive system healthy.

Swad Ka Safarnama: The summer season is on the rise. Now such a fruit will come in the markets, which will be bigger in size than Neem’s Nimboli, but like orange in colour. This is called Khirni. This fruit is less visible in big cities, but is sold a lot in small towns and cities. There is a lot of praise of this fruit in the ancient and Ayurvedic texts of India. This sweet and slightly astringent flavored fruit is very beneficial for the body. Khirni strengthens the muscles and also keeps the digestive system healthy. This fruit also has the property of increasing the immunity of the body. Its origin is believed to be in India and surrounding countries.

Its tree lives long

Khirni may be small in appearance but its taste is considered better. It is sold in the same way as sugarcane slices (Ganderi) are sold. That is, after cooling the slices on top of the ice, they are given to the customers. Phirni is also sold as such, but nowadays it is also available in packets in big stores. Khirni trees flower in the months of September to December and fruits ripen in the months of April to June. It is applied in such a large quantity on the trees that one day the whole tree starts to look orange in colour.

Agricultural scientists believe that if no harm is done to its tree, it can live for a thousand years. Gum also comes out from its tree which comes in various uses. The wood of Khirni tree is very strong and smooth. According to the Ministry of Culture of India, the history of ‘Kharad Art’ related to Udaipur of Rajasthan is more than 250 years old. This is such a wood art, in which ‘Khirni wood’ is used to make figures.

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Ancient texts gave status of special fruit

You will be surprised that in some ancient texts of India, Khirni has been considered special and it has also been given the title of the king of fruits. In the texts of Ayurveda, Khirni has been called Rajadan, Rajphal etc. In Puranas, the oil made from Khirni kernels (seeds) has been considered special. According to the scripture, Vaidya Ashwini Kumar, honored by the gods, had created such a healthy oil, which had the ability to fight any disease. He named this oil “Amrit Tail”. This oil was used by the kings at that time. Khirni seed oil was also used along with other medicines/plants in the making of this oil.

The Ayurvedic treatise ‘Charaksamhita’ and the later treatise ‘Sushrutsamhita’ written in the seventh-eighth century BC describe the characteristics of Khirni (Rajadan) and say that it is sweet, astringent, smooth and bharti. It produces metals in the body, increases energy, reduces blood and bile, and heat.

Originated in India

The history of Khirni goes back thousands of years and food historians trace its origin to India and neighboring countries. When there is a written description of it in the religious and Ayurvedic texts of India written thousands of years ago, it is clear that it is a very ancient fruit. Its tree is less tall but very dense and it grows in many states of the country, including the whole of central India, Maharashtra and one or two states of South India.

The wood of Khirni tree is very strong and smooth. Image-Shutterstock

Food historians believe that Khirni tree is also found in China, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Myanmar, China Thailand, Cambodia. In India, this fruit is eaten fresh, while in other countries it is dried and made into a dry fruit. In China, a decoction of its bark is made and drunk, it is considered antipyretic. Animals eat its leaves with great fervor. Some medical research has highlighted the characteristics of Khirni and said that this fruit is beneficial in diseases like jaundice, fever, indigestion etc.

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body’s defense system remains strong

Khirni is not only unique in taste, but it is also matchless in qualities. It strengthens the muscles, keeps the digestive system healthy and also increases the immunity of the body. According to food expert and nutrition consultant Nilanjana Singh, anti-microbial (Myricetin) and anti-aging (Quercetin) nutrients are found in Khirni. Its juice is considered beneficial for jaundice. Due to these properties, it prevents infection of the screen. Vitamin C is also found in this fruit, which maintains the body’s defense system better. Its use also protects the body from bacteria and viruses. When the season of Khirni comes, there is generally no side effect of eating it. But when eaten in excess, it spoils the taste of the mouth. Its excessive intake can also cause flatulence (filling of gas) in the stomach.

Tags: food, Lifestyle

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