Journey of taste: The mine of virtues is not as bitter as bitter gourd, this small vegetable can save you from many diseases


Kakora is also known as Kantola, Khekhsa and at many places Kakrol.
Apart from India, it is also grown and consumed in Australia including Burma, Indonesia, Malaysia, China.

Spiny Gourd or Kantola Benefits & History: We all know about bitter gourd. Everyone knows about its taste and qualities too. There is another vegetable, which is similar to bitter gourd in properties, but its texture and bitterness are not like bitter gourd. This is Kakora. It is also called Kantola. Not only is this vegetable beautiful to look at, it also protects the body from many diseases. Kakora is being consumed for thousands of years.

Beautiful from outside, but texture like bitter gourd from inside

Kakora (Spiny Gourd) has other names in India. At some places it is called Kantola, at other places it is called Khekhsa and at many places it is also called Kakrol. The special thing is that it is also called bitter gourd in Rajasthan. If you see it for the first time, you will not be able to believe that it is a vegetable. When the vegetable seller will tell its name and properties, then only you will be sure that it is really a vegetable full of taste and qualities. The Kakora vegetable is like the shape of a small green ball and soft spines will appear around it, but they do not cause prickling. Just like the fruit of Kadamba tree, Kakora also looks like this. It is produced on the vine. When cut, its internal texture is similar to bitter gourd, but it is not as bitter as bitter gourd. It is slightly astringent in food, but it is similar to bitter gourd, ridge gourd, ghiya, tinda in its qualities. It is a vegetable belonging to the species of gourd family.

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Kakora is sometimes called kantola, somewhere khekhsa and at many places it is also called kakrol.

Cultivated and eaten in many countries including India

Apart from all over India, this vegetable is also grown and eaten in Australia including the Burma region, Indonesia, Malaysia, China and tropical Africa. But, there is no proof of its origin. It is said that during the monsoon its vine used to grow on its own on the ridges of the fields. When later it entered the kitchen, it started being cultivated. Apart from monsoon, Kakora vegetable is also visible in the vegetable market in winter. Now Kantola or Kakora has taken the form of a commercial vegetable. The reason for this is that high nutrients and medicinal properties are also found in it. The special thing is that this fiber-rich vegetable is very low in calories.

Apart from all over India, this vegetable is also grown and eaten in Burma region, Indonesia, Malaysia, China, Australia.

Ayurveda experts give it the status of a special vegetable

Writer and Indian Agricultural Research Institute Senior Scientist Dr. Bishwajit Chowdhary In his book ‘VEGETABLES’, Kakora has been called a special vegetable because of its minerals and vitamins. He has given information that in 100 grams of Cacora, Calorie 17, Fiber 3.0 grams, Protein 3.1 grams, Fat 3.1 grams, Calcium 2600 mg, Magnesium 1400 mg, Potassium 370 mg, Sodium 58 mg, Apart from copper, zinc, Vitamin B5 too. is found. Renowned for extensive research on Indian herbs, fruits and vegetables Ayurveda Specialist Acharya Balkishan This vegetable is considered special for the body, which not only looks delicious, but is also good from the point of view of health. They say that Kakora is beneficial in the treatment of common diseases like headache, earache, cough, stomach related diseases, piles, itching. It is slightly bitter, sweet, hot in nature. It is the destroyer of all the three doshas, ​​Vata, Pitta and Kapha, besides agnideepan (increasing digestive power) it is also beneficial for the heart.

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Kakora is beneficial in the treatment of headache, earache, cough, stomach related diseases, piles etc.

Kakora vegetable slows down the speed of aging

Food expert and homechef Simmi Babbar According to, Kakora is being liked a lot. If it is cooked properly after roasting it in spices, then its taste emerges amazingly. Due to the properties found in it, it is now commonly found in the kitchen. The nutrients found in it reduce the speed of aging. It is also a good digestive. Its pulp and seeds are rich in soluble fiber, which improves the digestive system. It is rich in antioxidants and flavonoids (elements that keep blood cells healthy), which help protect the liver.

Since, Kakora is produced more in monsoon, it has the ability to naturally defend against infection. This vegetable protects the body from fever, cold and cough. It is also beneficial in diabetes, because it contains less sugar. Calories are also less in it, so it also prevents weight gain. However, eating Kakora in excess can damage the stomach system. Some people also complain of allergy to it. If it is included in the diet in general, then it is a very beneficial vegetable for the body.

Tags: food, Lifestyle

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