Just like we eat chicken eggs, can humans also eat snake eggs? What will be the effect on the body?

You all must know how poisonous a snake is. Whether it is a child or an adult, if it is poisonous, its poison will work in the same way. Snakes also lay eggs, just like hens do. But just as people eat chicken eggs, can they also eat snake eggs? If you have ever thought about this, then today we will tell you the answer. Know that if a snake’s egg is eaten, what effect will it have on the body?

Under News18 Hindi’s series ‘Ajab-Gajab Gyan’, we bring for you such unique information which will surprise you. People often ask strange questions on the social media platform Quora. Other users answer those questions. Recently someone asked whether a human being can eat a snake egg like a chicken? Let us first see what people have responded about it.

Snake eggs contain a lot of nutrition. (Photo: Canva)

People gave this answer on Quora
A user named Vicky said that snake eggs can be cooked and eaten properly. It is eaten in many countries. A user named Sumit Kumar said that snake eggs which have not been fertilized can be eaten. These are the answers to the questions given on social media. But let us now tell you what reliable sources have to say about it.

Snake eggs are eaten in many countries
According to the report of Wildlife Informer website, snake eggs can be eaten. But it needs to be cooked properly. Like chicken eggs, snake eggs also contain a lot of protein and are also very nutritious. Snake eggs are not poisonous. However, if you do not eat properly cooked snake eggs, you may suffer from stomach ache or some other problems. Let us tell you that there are many countries where snakes and snake eggs are eaten. There are some countries like Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, China, Japan where snakes and their eggs are eaten.

Tags: Amazing news, trending news, Weird news

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