Keep children away from TV and mobile, otherwise they will develop myopia, the risk of this disease has increased three times in 20 years.

Nowadays, children spend most of their time watching TV or playing games on mobile, due to which their eye health is being adversely affected. Myopia, which is the problem of blurred vision of near objects, has increased threefold in the last 20 years. This not only weakens their vision but also hinders their studies. Therefore, children should not be allowed to spend too much time in front of the screen. Let us know about this disease..

Know what is myopia?
Myopia is a common eye problem, commonly known as ‘nearsightedness’. Known as. In this condition, people see distant objects blurred, while nearby objects appear clearly. This happens when the shape of our eye changes slightly and the rays of light do not fall directly on the retina. Myopia mostly occurs due to study or excessive use of screens like mobile, TV.  It may begin in childhood or adolescence and increase over time. Myopia can be corrected by using the right glasses or lenses, so it is important to get your eyes checked regularly. 

Know how to protect yourself from this disease 

  • Limit screen time: Do not allow children to spend too much time on screens like TV, mobile, tablet. Limit daily use and encourage short breaks.
  • Encourage outside play: Encourage children to spend some time every day playing outside in the sun. Exposure to natural light improves eye health.
  • Proper study environment: Make sure that children are in good lighting while studying and books are at an appropriate distance from their eyes.
  • Regular eye checkups: Get children’s eyes checked regularly, so that any problems can be identified early.
  • Healthy diet: Children should be given eye-nutrients like vitamins A, C, and E and zinc. Provide a diet rich in nutrients good for vision.
  • Eye exercises: Encourage children to do eye exercises, such as moving the eyes or changing focus.
  • For close activities Taking a break: Teach children to focus on objects 20 feet away for some time every 20 minutes while studying or watching mobile.

Disclaimer: News Some of the information given is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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