Kidney Stone: What is the link between kidney stone and UTI? You must know the answer to this question

Kidney infection is a type of ‘urinary tract infection’ (UTI). Kidney infection starts in the body’s ‘urinary tract infection’ (urethra) or the way to the toilet. If this infection is not stopped in time, the infection can reach one or both kidneys. UTI caused by problems like enlargement of prostate gland or kidney stones in men can cause damage to the kidney.

If UTI infection increases, it can take a serious form

If this infection is not treated in time, then this infection can become serious.  The symptoms of UTI in small children are such that it starts with high fever. Sometimes it can damage the kidneys if it is not treated immediately. Then it can take a serious form. 

When there is a stone in the kidney, the stone starts accumulating in the urinary tract. Which can cause UTI. This is because bacteria can get stuck in the toilet, which hinders defecation and then the bacteria start accumulating. 

Which people are more afraid of getting this disease?

People who are more afraid of kidney stones have an increased risk of getting UTI. 

Types of kidney stones

People who have calcium oxalate and urate stones have a significantly higher risk of developing a UTI.

Recurrent UTI

People with frequent UTIs have an increased risk of developing kidney stones.


If you are getting UTI repeatedly, then the reason behind this can be kidney stones. In such a situation, you should get your kidney stones treated without wasting time.

What can be done for women who have frequent UTIs?

Women who have frequent UTIs (three or more times a year) should consult a doctor immediately.

Taking a low-dose antibiotic every day for six months or more

If symptoms appear, antibiotics should be taken for one or two days.

Early symptoms of UTI

Frequent visits to the toilet

Pain and burning sensation in stomach while using toilet

Feeling at risk of urinary tract infection even after using the toilet

Smell and darkness in the toilet

Pain in the lower back and side

Nausea and fever

"ltr">Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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