king charles diagnosed with cancer british royal family issue statement

Britain’s King Charles is suffering from a serious disease like cancer. A statement was issued publicly by Buckingham Palace on 5 February. In which it was told that King Charles will not be able to attend public functions at present. However, he will continue to work as the Head of State. King Charles is currently 75 years old. He was admitted to the hospital only about three days ago. The reason behind this is said to be his prostate cancer operation. Symptoms of other diseases were also visible in his body. Now after further tests it was revealed that he was suffering from cancer. Although he does not have prostate cancer. What stage of cancer does King Charles have? This has not been disclosed.

King Charles himself told

In a statement issued by the Palace, it has been said that Charles is very positive about his illness and treatment. King Charles started regular treatment on 5th February. All his public meetings have been postponed. Rest of his private meetings will continue. Charles has decided to tell everyone about his illness. He himself has informed his two sons, Prince of Wales William and Duke of Sussex Harry, and his three siblings about his diagnosis. It is hoped that people will understand this.

British PM Rishi Sunak wished for recovery

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has wished for the good health of King Charles. Rishi Sunak has wished King’s health on social media platform X.

According to the news published in BBC, Prince of Wales William is in constant touch with his father, while his younger son and Duke of Sussex Prince Harry is also going to meet his father soon.

Cancer is a very dangerous and fatal disease. But if it is detected in time then life can be saved from this disease.

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