Kiss Device In China Why Kiss Device Is Trending In China Know How It Works Check Here All Details

New devices from China are often mentioned. Actually, different types of inventions keep happening in China and some of them are strange and become a topic of discussion. One such invention is now in discussion, which is being named Kiss device. Yes, for whom this device has been made and it is being claimed that through this device, two people can kiss if they are at different places. It is claimed that kissing can be done in this device even without touching each other.

You must also be wondering how this can be possible and how this device works, because of which it is being said that kissing can be done without touching each other. So know some special things related to this device…

What is the story of this device?

According to reports, a university in East China’s Jiangsu province has invented this kissing device. It is being said about this device that kissing can be done with the person sitting far away from it and its experience is similar to real kissing. Please tell that a person named Jiang Zhongli used to find it difficult to be intimate due to long distance relationship and because of the distance, he used to talk on the phone only. In such a situation, that person invented this device, due to which one can feel his presence. It is claimed that when a kiss goes through it, one feels very close.

How does this device work?

This device has been invented in China and it works on the basis of sensor. There are some sensors attached to it, which give each other a reality-like experience. Actually, it was worked on in a university in Jiangsu province and is shaped like a face. This device is connected to Bluetooth and app and two people kiss on the lips made in it. Then according to which a partner reacts, the other partner experiences accordingly. Even the temperature etc. also feels the same.

What is the real time sensor experience? Now people living in long distance relationship will get the experience of kissing without meeting their partner. Now it is being discussed a lot on social media and the video of this device is also going viral. It has been shown how to kiss with it and how to get real experience.

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