Kitchen Tips: If you want to give a different look to your kitchen in the new year, then take help of these 6 tips


The space can be put to good use by installing a corner shelf in the kitchen.
You can create a proper place to keep mugs in the kitchen by installing a mug hanger.

Kitchen Tips: Every new year brings some or the other change in life. With the beginning of the new year, many resolutions are made, while there arises a desire to change many things related to life. Our kitchen is directly related to us. The responsibility of maintaining and enhancing the beauty of the kitchen mostly rests with the women of the house. With the beginning of the new year, if you also want to give a different look to your kitchen, which is not only beautiful but also makes your work in the kitchen much easier, then some simple tips can help you a lot in this task.

Take help of these kitchen tips

1. Use of drawer partition – To make the kitchen beautiful and organized, it is necessary to make full use of the kitchen space. For this, first of all it is necessary to do the drawer partition properly. If you keep half empty packets of spices, lentils or other items in the drawer, then store them in a jar and use the drawer partition to keep them. Due to this, apart from arranging the contents of the drawer, cleanliness and beauty will also be maintained.

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2. Group the items – We have to search for many things when needed in the kitchen. Sometimes it becomes very difficult to get those things. In this case, it is better to keep common items in groups. For example, keep only pulses in one shelf, then one shelf can be used only for spices. Due to this, there will be no trouble in finding things during the time of need.

3. Corner shelf If you do not have a lot of space in your kitchen, then you can use them by installing corner shelves. Mugs, jars and other small items can be kept in these.

4. Wall Hooks If you want to make full use of your kitchen space, then you can also install wall hooks. These will not only enhance the beauty of your kitchen, but many essential kitchen items like griddle, strainer etc. can also be hung on it.

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5. Mug Hanger Many homes do not have the right place to keep mugs in the kitchen. Somewhere these are found kept in baskets and somewhere on the platform. But if you want, you can get a mug hanger installed in the kitchen. They occupy very less space and mugs can be easily hung on them.

6. Chalkboard on the side of the fridge – In many homes, the side of the fridge is used to fix the chalkboard. Actually chalkboard can be used to make a list of kitchen items to be bought during shopping. Along with this, you can also make advance lunch or dinner menu on this chalk board.

Tags: food, Lifestyle, Tips and Tricks

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