know diabetes patients can eat star fruit or not learn benefits and risks

People make many efforts to get good health. In such situations, they also consume juices, powders and medicines. Anything in excess is harmful for health. But there are some fruits which you can avoid diseases by including in your diet. It is the only fruit which you can consume to keep yourself healthy. We are talking about star fruit, it is also known as Kamarkha.

consume like this

Wash the star fruit with lukewarm water and clean it thoroughly, then cut it into fine pieces or eat it by mixing it with other fruits, this will give you other nutrients as well. You can also eat star fruit by adding black salt on it. By doing this, stomach related problems will go away. Not only this, it is also used for making chutney and greens. Keep in mind that before consuming it, make sure that you or anyone in the family does not have any allergy. The right time to eat star fruit is in the morning. Consuming it in the morning provides nutrients to the body and increases energy.

These are the benefits

Consumption of fruits is very beneficial for our body. One of these is star fruit. It has many health benefits. Due to the good amount of fiber in star fruit, it improves digestion. Apart from this, it helps in strengthening the immunity system and also protects from diseases like cancer. This also helps in controlling diabetes. Star fruit contains nutrients like calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, which are effective in strengthening bones.

excessive consumption is harmful

Consuming anything in excess can also harm health. Talking about star fruit, it increases the blood in the body, hence diabetic patients should consume it less. Consuming this fruit in excess can affect kidney health and can also cause symptoms like allergy, skin irritation, dizziness. Star fruit contains sodium, which can cause problems for people with high BP.

Disclaimer: Some information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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