know first ad for dog bite do these things for dog bite

Dog Bite Treatment: Although dogs are kept in many homes and dogs are very loyal, but in the last few years, cases of dog attacks are increasing across the country. In a recent incident, stray dogs mauled a one and a half year old girl to death. This is not the only case of dog attack, often stray dogs attack and bite people. Dogs especially attack children quickly and because they are small, they are not able to defend themselves.

There is a risk of rabies

Let us tell you that there is a risk of rabies due to dog bite. Statistics say that 36 percent of all rabies deaths worldwide occur in India alone. In such a situation, it is important that along with protection from the dog, immediate treatment should also be given after the dog bite. Let us know what should be done as first aid if a dog bites.

Do this first step immediately after dog bite

If a child or an adult is bitten by a dog, the wound should be cleaned first. If there is a wound on the body, then first of all wash that area with the help of antiseptic soap and water for some time. Wash the wound for about 15 to 20 minutes so that the chances of bacterial infection are reduced. Now clean the wound and apply any antiseptic medicine like Betadine on it. If there is no antiseptic soap in your house then use laundry soap at home. Can also clean the wound.

get treatment immediately

If the wound is bleeding, try to stop the bleeding. You can use a cloth to stop the bleeding and after the bleeding stops, apply antiseptic medicine on it. If bleeding stops, go to the doctor, do not try to bandage it at home. Keep in mind that do not apply turmeric, oil or anything like that on the wound as home remedies. This may cause more infection. After giving first aid to the wound, you will have to go to the doctor and get the patient injected with rabies. Along with this, nowadays dosage of anti-rabies immunoglobulin is also given because in case of rabies, there is difficulty in producing antibodies in the body.

Disclaimer: Before implementing the method, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, please consult a doctor or related expert.

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