know the effects symptoms and prevention tips for winter blues read full article in hindi

If you want to keep yourself fit and healthy, then you will have to work hard for this. You will have to sweat and do some exercise also. It has become even more important to sweat in winter. These days, due to increasing cold, there is a cold wave in the plains and in such a situation laziness increases. Workout is missed. The triple attack of fog, smog and pollution is also causing problems for the people. In such a situation, seasonal affective disorder troubles the most.

What is Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)?

Actually, due to less sunlight in winter, people experience depression to some extent. It is also called seasonal affective disorder or SAD. Because sunlight is related to the hormones that control our mood, due to this sadness physical activities also reduce. Due to which weight starts increasing.

In case of not sweating, the risk of high blood pressure increases. Besides, the body also feels tired due to body pain. There is less energy throughout the day, this condition is also called winter blues. In such a situation, with the help of yoga and Ayurveda, you can change your mood by removing seasonal affective disorder. Learn from Swami Ramdev how to keep yourself fit?

effect of winter blues
body pain
high bp
brain stroke
heart attack
kidney failure

symptoms of high bp

Symptoms of high blood pressure include frequent headaches, difficulty in breathing, tingling nerves and dizziness.

To control BP, drink plenty of water, reduce stress and tension, eat meals on time, do not eat junk food, get 6 to 8 hours of sleep and avoid fasting. how to control sugar

Eat 1 teaspoon fenugreek powder daily
eat 2 garlic cloves in the morning
eat cabbage, bitter gourd, bottle gourd
Pay special attention to eating habits in winter
keep yourself warm
Avoid high calorie foods
do exercise
sit in the sun for half an hour

Take cucumber-bitter gourd-tomato juice

Drink Giloy decoction

Do Mandukasana-Yoga Mudrasana

Do Kapalbhati for 15 minutes

how to lose weight

try cinnamon

Take 3-6 grams cinnamon

Boil it in 200 grams of water

Mix 1 teaspoon honey and drink

Take 1 teaspoon Triphala with warm water at night

drink ginger-lemon tea

Headache and cold will go away

Mix 1 teaspoon reetha in 100 grams water

Also read: Sunita Williams’ weight is continuously decreasing in space, know how dangerous sudden weight loss is.

Add a pinch of dry ginger and black pepper powder

Filter it and put 2-3 drops in the nose

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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