Know The Reason Why Do Fingers Get Numb In Winter Season

It is extremely cold in North India these days. This year it is getting colder than the last few years. It is often cold during the winter season. So the fingers of the hands become numb. But have you thought what is the reason behind this? What changes occur in the body that your fingers become numb in cold weather? Let us know what is the reason behind this.

blood circulation becomes less

There are vessels i.e. veins for blood circulation in the human body. Which are called blood vessels. Winter season affects the heart. Due to which the blood vessels present in the human body shrink. And the supply of blood to the rest of the body reduces slightly. That is why when blood circulation in the body is not proper, the body parts start becoming numb. And this is the reason why we become numb during the winter season.

What measures should be taken?

If you also have the problem of numbness of hands and feet during winter season. Then there are some methods which you can repeat. Massaging the body during winter season increases its blood circulation. That’s why if your hands and legs are becoming numb, you can massage them. You can use any oil for this.

You must have often seen people lighting bonfires to escape the winter. The body gets relief from fire. But if hands and legs are becoming numb then you can also apply warm water. If you do the fomentation without water then the blood circulation level will remain fine. By compressing the muscles and nerves also get relief.

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