Know What Happens On Internet In Every Minute More Than 60 Lakhs Search On Google Every Minute

What Happens on Internet in Every Minute: All of you must be using the internet. Some people scroll the internet to get updates of the world, some to find new information or some for some other purpose. Everyone does some work on the internet today. Today, if we want to know or learn anything new, we all go to the internet first. Today, through this article, we will tell you what happens on the Internet in just 1 minute.

so much happens in a minute

It may not take more than 1 minute to speak, but in the digital era, a lot happens in 1 minute. A person can know live updates from Delhi to UK or Japan in 1 minute through internet.

In just 1 minute, about 60 lakh things are searched on the search engine Google.
– Within 60 seconds, people watch about 1 million hours of videos on YouTube and other platforms and TV.
,Twitter just to talk about 60 seconds I am on this platform 3,47,222 tweets Posts happen.
-Within just 1 minute from mobile 16 million messages be close to 23 crore 14 lakh 58 thousand 333 e-mails are sent. Similarly, 500 hours of content is uploaded on YouTube in 1 minute.
-Only 60 seconds inside 24,30,555 Snap And 1,04,642 hours of meetings have been held on the zoom application.
65,972 photos and videos are posted on Instagram in 1 minute while Facebook But 17 lakhs in 60 seconds Post happens. e-commerce website amazon than only 60 seconds people in 3,592 crores Make purchases worth crores.

For your convenience here we are also adding charts in which you can get additional information. After reading this data, you will be able to understand the importance of time in a better way that what has happened on the internet in that 1 minute which we waste just considering it small.

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