know what is the purpose of mrp when it was implemented

Maximum Retail Price: Sometimes we buy some goods from the market. Then we give the price of that product by looking at its MRP i.e. Maximum Retail Price. If the shopkeeper asks you for a price higher than the MRP, you can complain to the consumer department. No shopkeeper can charge more than the maximum selling price of any item. Doing so is a legal offence. But despite this, if any shopkeeper does this then he is again fined by the Consumer Department. Let us know when MRP was started and what was the reason for it.

The rule came into effect in 2006

MRP i.e. Maximum Retail Price means that no item can be sold at a price higher than the MRP price written on it. In India, laws have been made regarding many things. One of those laws is the Consumer Protection Act. Which was passed in the year 1986. Under this, consumers were given six rights. So that if they face any kind of problem while shopping, there is a provision to help them.

In the year 2006, a rule has been made by the Government of India to implement MRP on all products. Under this, no shopkeeper can sell the packed goods kept in his shop, including clothes, electronic items or anything else, without MRP. If he does this then it will be a crime under the law and for this he may have to pay a heavy fine.

Goods cannot be sold at arbitrary prices

Just as the prices of fruits and vegetables suddenly increase. That way, the price of packed goods available in shops cannot increase. Because their MRP is fixed. And no shopkeeper can charge any consumer more than that MRP. But it has come to light on many occasions that if a tourist goes to some areas, they are charged more than the MRP. So in such a situation, complaint about such shopkeepers can be made to the consumer department.

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