know which type of chemicals added in pan masala and gutkha know thier for health

Side effects of Pan Masala: Despite knowing that pan masala can be fatal for health, a large population of the world is consuming it openly. There are health warnings written on pan masala, gutkha and other tobacco products and despite this people consume them.

Let us tell you that paan masala is made from a mixture of tobacco, lime, catechu and many such agents and its consumption increases the risk of many deadly diseases. Let us tell you today what is mixed in paan masala which can make you a victim of many deadly diseases.

How to make Pan Masala
Most people think that paan masala is made from betel nut, lime, catechu and clove cardamom. But very few people know that many such chemicals are mixed in it which are very dangerous for your health. Companies add magnesium carbonate in paan masala. This increases the life of paan masala. Apart from this, paraffin wax is added to paan masala. By adding these two things, paan masala and gutkha are prepared.

Gutkha also contains nicotine which causes cancer and stroke. Let us tell you that the betel nut used in pan masala contains tannin which damages the mucosa of the body. Scientists have identified many chemicals used in making gutkha which contain carcinogens. Carcinogens are those ingredients which cause cancer. That is, there is a risk of cancer from 30 ingredients used in making pan masala and gutkha.

Not only eating but smelling pan masala is also harmful

While making paan masala, many such chemicals are added to it which directly harm health. We all know that eating paan masala harms health, but you will be surprised to know that smelling the chemicals added in paan masala for a long time can also be harmful for health. According to health experts, the use of paan masala or the harmful chemicals entering the body through breathing can cause many dangerous conditions and affect various parts of the body. According to experts, people who work in paan masala factories for a long time and smell chemicals for many hours can also be surrounded by many dangerous diseases.

Eating pan masala is harmful to health
Due to the presence of so many harmful chemicals in Pan Masala and Gutkha, it causes serious diseases like cancer, heart disease, stroke. Eating Pan Masala can cause leukoplakia disease. It causes red spots inside the mouth, sores in the mouth and sores in the oral tissue.

Consuming paan masala causes mouth and lung cancer. Not only this, the person’s liver also gets damaged. Teeth and gums get damaged by consuming paan masala. The paraffin wax found in paan masala can cause diabetes and numbness in hands and feet.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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