Langra mango is famous all over the world know where this name and mango come from

Mango is the king of fruits. This line has been popular for years. The mango season has started in India. Mango lovers all over the world enjoy different varieties of mangoes. Different poets have written a lot of humor and satire on mangoes. For example, Akbar Allahabadi satirically writes, “Asar Ye Tere Anfaase Masihai Ka Hai Akbar, Lame walk from Allahabad to Lahore”. Let us tell you that Mughal ruler Akbar also loved mangoes. While staying in Lahore and other parts of India, he used to order mangoes from different places.

mango king of fruits

Mango is the most liked fruit in the world. With the arrival of mango season, the demand for different varieties of mango increases. Which includes many types of mangoes including Dussehri, Malda, Chaunsa, Hapus, Langda. According to information, more than 1500 varieties of mango are found in India. Some of these mangoes are famous all over the world. But today we will tell you about Langda mango. Do you know how this mango got the name Langda?

limp mango

It is said that the history of Langra mango is about 300 years old. Langra mango is said to have a connection with Varanasi in UP. Although some people also say Allahabad. According to stories, a sage lived in Banaras. He had planted a mango orchard. He had given the responsibility of taking care of it to a priest. But the priest who was given the responsibility was disabled. For this reason the people of the area used to call him lame priest. When mangoes grew in that garden, they were very sweet. After which the name of that orchard and mango had become lame.
Let us tell you that Langda mango is very famous all over the world. It is exported on a large scale from India. Langda is very juicy and tasty. Every year lakhs of tonnes of Langda mango are produced in India. Langda mango is especially found in abundance in UP, Bihar and Madhya Pradesh.

Identification of limp mango

Let us tell you that Langda mango is oval in shape. Langda mango is slightly pointed from the bottom. For this reason, it can be easily identified. Langda mango remains green even after ripening. The seed of Langda mango is wide and thin.

name of mangoes

According to Lucknow historian Yogesh Praveen, most of the famous mango varieties were named after the places where they were grown. Like Dussehri got its name because of Dussehri village near Kakori.

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