‘Let’s crawl on the road’ If you lose in an office game, the company gives you such a punishment, it is discussed on social media!

When you work in an organization, apart from work, many such activities are conducted here, which create bonding among people. For this, sometimes there is a competition and sometimes some games are organised. Employees also participate in these as per their interest. However, there is no pressure on anyone for this. Today we will tell you about a game which took place in an office but is being discussed all over the world.

You must have heard about various types of games and activities which are conducted in the office. However, such a game was organized in the neighboring country China that the spectators were stunned. It was also claimed that the employees themselves were doing this of their own free will. According to the report of South China Morning Post, a company here had organized a team bonding game for its staff. The one who won in this was fine, but the punishment for the one who lost was strange.

Made me crawl on the road if I lost the game
A clip is going viral on Chinese social media, in which some young people were seen crawling on the road in the dark of night. This incident took place in Guizhou province of China, which happened on January 3. The person who wrote about this incident on social media said that initially he thought that some meeting was going on, but suddenly these people started crawling. Then it seemed that some company had given him this punishment and this matter reached the police. When the police investigated, the company boss told that this was a punishment for losing in their team bonding game and the staff themselves were doing this out of their own will.

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Onlookers were surprised
Whoever saw the video of this incident or read about it was shocked. One user wrote- I felt like I was watching a zombie movie. One user said – I don’t know how much money this company gives to its employees that they agreed to do such work. However, this is not the first case in China when employees have been given such strange punishments. Some time ago, in Sichuan province too, to punish a female employee, other staff members were made to throw water on her.

Tags: Awesome Awesome, Viral news, Weird news

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