Lifestyle Tips: Do you also do everything in a hurry? Knowingly or unknowingly this problem has surrounded you

Do you also have the habit of doing everything in a hurry? This means that if you have to go to the market, you do it in a hurry and if you have to come back home from there, you do it in a hurry. If you have to eat, you do it in a hurry and if you go to a wedding or party, you do it in a hurry. You may consider this habit of doing things in a hurry as a way to save time, but knowingly or unknowingly you are surrounded by a big problem. The name of this problem is green sickness. Let us tell you everything about it. Along with this, we will also give you information about how it can affect your lifestyle?

What is green sickness?

Green sickness is a term from the language of psychology, which was first mentioned in the book ‘Type A Behavior and Your Heart’ by American psychologists Meyer Friedman and Ray H. Rosenman. This book was written in 1985. It is worth noting that green sickness is not a disease, but can be the cause of many other diseases. People with Type A personality often suffer from green sickness. It has been told in the book that green sickness has a bad effect on the heart health of the person concerned. Actually, the nervous system of people suffering from green sickness always works under pressure."text-align: justify;">How to detect green sickness?

Now the question arises that how can one know if someone is suffering from green sickness? If you speak so fast that your words remain in your mouth, then this is a sign of green sickness. Apart from this, always eating food in a hurry, trying to do many things at the same time, speaking in between before others finish speaking and having trouble while waiting for something are also symptoms of green sickness. If you do such activities, then you need to consult a psychiatrist.

What is the effect on health?

A study was published in the National Library of Medicine on green sickness. It stated that people with Type A personalities are 17 percent more likely to develop hypertension than people with other personalities. People suffering from green sickness have higher heart rate and blood pressure than normal even in the resting stage. If blood pressure and heart rate remain high for a long time, the pressure on the heart increases and hypertension can occur. The reason for green sickness can be people’s upbringing. People who grow up in a calm and relaxed environment have a very calm mind, brain and nervous system.

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