lion and lioness Who is more dangerous They do not even give the prey a chance to recover

Since childhood, we have read in books that the lion is the king of the jungle. But do you know who is more dangerous between a lion and a lioness? Today we will tell you who is the most dangerous among them and how they hunt.

difference between lion and lioness

First let us know what is the difference between a lion and a lioness. Like lions are bigger than lionesses. Lions can be about ten feet tall from nose to tail, while lionesses are only about nine feet tall. Apart from this, lions usually avoid hunting. Whereas lionesses do most of the hunting. Lionesses never miss any opportunity to hunt. However, cheetahs are much faster than lionesses. Apart from this, lions can run at about 35 miles per hour, while lionesses can run at a speed of about 45 miles per hour.

lioness chases

The lioness has a habit of chasing her prey. According to the information, after seeing the prey, the lioness remains hidden for a long time and as soon as she gets a chance, she pounces and attacks. Because if something gets caught in the paws of lionesses, then it does not get a chance to escape at all. Whereas the entire group of lionesses hunts a big animal together.

Is hunting food?

The first part of the animals that the lioness and her group hunt is eaten by the male lion. Whereas the lioness eats the leftovers. When the male is not in the group, it is the responsibility of the lioness to protect the cubs. Generally, lionesses are more agile and agile than their male counterparts. Male lions often protect the group from enemies. But sometimes when the predators are too big, the lions also help the female lions. Therefore, in terms of hunting, the lioness is considered ahead of the lion.

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