List Of Incidents of Paper Leak and exam cancellation in UP and other states UPTET UP Police Constable REET 2023

Incidents of Paper Leak: Due to the incident of paper leak of UP Police Constable Recruitment Examination, the matter of paper leak and examination cancellation is once again in the news. This is not the first time and not the first time in the state that the paper of any major examination has been leaked. Even before this, examinations have been canceled many times. Today let us know about such big cases.

reet paper leak 2023

Apart from UP, the name of Rajasthan comes among the states where papers of most major examinations have been leaked. In terms of number of candidates, after UP, there have been incidents of paper leaks in Rajasthan which affected lakhs of candidates. Rajasthan Subordinate and Ministerial Services Selection Board had organized the examination on 25 February 2023. The news of paper leak also came on the same day. The exam paper of the first session was leaked.

UPTET Paper Leak 2021

Even before this, major incidents of paper leak have happened in UP. Before this, in the year 2021, the examination of Uttar Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test was leaked. The paper was leaked even before the exam was held on 28th November. The paper was leaked on WhatsApp group. After a few days the exam was canceled and later it was conducted again.

neet 2021

The form of National Eligibility cum Entrance Test 2021 was also leaked. The exam paper was visible on social media half an hour before the exam. However, even after this, the examination was conducted on 21 September 2021 amidst all the controversies.

gsssb head clerk exam

The written examination of Gujarat Subordinate Services Selection Board was held on 12 December 2021 for 186 Head Clerk posts in which about 88 thousand candidates participated. Gujarat Police had arrested 6 people in the paper leak case.

Maharashtra HSC, Telangana SSC paper leaked

In the year 2023, the Hindi question paper of Secondary School Certificate Exam of Telangana was leaked. Soon the leaked paper was circulated on social media. Similarly, last year the Mathematics paper of Maharashtra Higher Secondary Certificate was leaked and the name of a private college appeared in it. The paper was leaked an hour before the exam but after the matter came to light, the police caught the culprits and the exam was cancelled.

Also read: Tomorrow is the last date to apply for 87 thousand teacher posts in Bihar.

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