Listen to this music to your plants, growth will be at quadruple speed day and night

No matter how bad your mood is, if good music starts playing around you, you calm down. Doctors also advise that if you want to relieve stress and improve your health, then definitely listen to good music at least twice a day. Same is the case with plants. If you have plants in your home or balcony and they are not growing as fast as they should, then you probably need to resort to music now. Actually, if music is played to the plants, then their growth increases. This thing has also been proved in many researches, so you must have seen that the plants are always green in the houses where good music is played.

What kind of music should plants listen


According to research, if you want more growth in your plants, then you should listen to them classical music. Classical music is very calm and stable. The way the instruments used in it give comfort to human ears, in the same way they also keep the plants happy. So, if you want to play music to your plants, do not sing them today’s songs but good classical songs.

Who did the research

Plants The University of Melbourne has done research on whether music is liked and a doctor there told that plants like the energy of music very much and that is why as soon as the atmosphere of music increases around them, their growth also starts increasing. In the year 2017, University of Western Australia also did a research on this and in this research also it came to the fore that music affects the growth of plants.

India Has also done research

It is not that this research has been done only in foreign countries. India’s Annamalai University had done a research in the year 1962 itself regarding the effect of music on the growth of plants. In this research, it was found that music affects the growth of plants.

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