Lok Sabha election 2024 people learned politics from Vedas know Vedas say about a skilled Indian politician

Vedas: Vedas are the ancient scriptures of the entire human civilization. Vedas taught man to be a skilled politician. Because these days the time of elections (Parliamentary Election 2024) is going on, hence we will know what has been said in the Vedas about politics, democracy and voting.

Tvam ha tyadindra sapta yudhyan puro vajrin purukutsaya dardah.
बारहिर्न यत सुदासे वर्था वर्गहो राजन वरिवः पूर्वे कह॥
(Rigveda 1.63.7)

O king endowed with excellent scriptures! Lord of the assembly who gives bright victory! Because you behave lovingly with the assembly, the councillors, the chairman, the army, the commander, the servants and the people, that is why in war you destroy (or conquer) the cities of those enemies. You spread all the people who are attainable, who donate useful items or consumables to make the people of the state completely happy, like space, and those who do useless work (whose work is not useful for the nation) No use) You forbid people (stop doing that), because of this you are worthy of hospitality to all of us.

Tampsant Shavas Utsaveshu Naro Naramvase Tan Dhanay.
So blind mind becomes tamasi jyotirvidan marutvan no bhavatvindra uti.
(Rigveda 1.100.8)

O humans! The person among you who has the skill to manage all the tasks in a systematic manner, has the power of knowledge and wealth etc., should also give respect and honor to the commander who fought against the enemy who fought a mighty battle on festive and other joyous occasions. May he provide us protection and light from the commander who has the best warriors, just as the sun provides light by destroying darkness. It has been emphasized in this mantra that even rich, learned and otherwise prosperous people should respect and congratulate the national guard commander and the army in public places without being proud.

Yuvna tamindraparvata puroyudha yo nah pritanyadap tantamiddhatam vajrena tantamiddhatam.
दूरे चट्टाय छंतसद गहनं यदनिक्षत्।
अस्माकं अशत्रुं परी शूर विश्वतो दर्मा दर्शिष्ठ विश्वतः॥
(Rigveda 1.132.6)

O present assembly and commanders, like the sun and the clouds that have fought before! Whoever (enemy) attacks our army, go to the front and kill him with sharp weapons and punish him. If that enemy goes into the forest or is in trouble, then catch the enemy who has gone far away also. O brave one! Pierce and disintegrate our enemies from all sides. Give a befitting reply to the one who invites you to war. You should constantly protect him who is present in the enemy’s army (for espionage).

Jyotishamatimaditim dharayatkshitim svarvatima sachet divedive jagrivansa divedive.
Jyotishmat Kshetramashate Aditya Danunspati.
मित्रस्त्योर्वरूनो यतायज्जनो यत्याज्जनः
(Rigveda 1.136.3)

Just as the sun and the wind hold the earth in the entire celestial world by their power of attraction, in the same way, due to the influence of a person who makes good efforts, an excellent judge, a brave commander and a chairman of the assembly who maintains charity, all the people attain immense happiness based on justice.

Saraswati tvamsma aviddhi marutvati dhrishti jeshi shastriun.
Tya Chichchhardhantam Tavisiyamanmindro Hanti Vrishabham Shandikanam.
(Rigveda 2.30.8)

Just as lightning or wind strikes a raining cloud, O admirable, beautiful and knowledgeable queen! O Pragalbha Uthashani! Just as the army of a soldier like you kills the brave warriors of the enemy, in the same way, may you defeat the enemies who destroy our happiness. This makes us worthy of everyone’s respect.

Ime Bhoja Angiraso Virupa Divasputraso Asurasya Veerah.
Vishwamitray Dadato Madhani Sahastrasave Pra Tirant Ayu:॥
(Rigveda 3.52.7)

O king! Just as the vital air supports the body, in the same way, the one who is ready to support the people, is completely adept in the art of warfare, is as powerful as the wind, the destroyer of demons, the destroyer of enemies, the creator of innumerable wealth, the friend of the entire world, who distributes the best wealth to the society. Those people who violate the normal human nature (the nature of belonging only to the family) while giving for the benefit, are the only ones who are worthy of receiving your respectful protection.

Twa yuja ni khidat suryasyendrashchakram sahasa sadya indo.
Adhi shnuna brihta presentam maho druho ap vishwayudhayi. (Rigveda 4.28.2)

O people as radiant as the moon! Just as electricity, with the help of water, makes the sun’s sphere of light shineless, in the same way your king, with the help of his subjects, makes the sun-like enemy king’s circle of light shineless. Your king, who destroys the enemies, can make them tremble like trees and make them humble very quickly with his enemy-conquering military force and is also capable of destroying the huge life-potential, omnipresent force present as the executive of the treacherous enemy. Is.

Ut Ggra Vyanthu Devpattririndraanya Gravyashwini Raat.
आ रोदसी वरुनानी श्रिनोटु वायंतु देविर्य रितुरजनिनाम् (Rigveda 5.46.8)

In order to judge, wise women of godlike scholars should listen to the women of extremely wealthy men and brave men as bright as fire and think and judge. The preachers should judge by listening to the women of noble people and other learned women who are engaged in seasonal production (i.e. engaged in agricultural work for seasonal production).

Adya Chinnu Chit Tadpo Nadeena Yadabhyo Ardo Gatumindra.
Neither mountain adyasado nor sedustvaya dulhani sukrato rajansi. (Rigveda 60.30.3)

O king who is as bright as the sun and knows best the noble deeds! Just as the Sun attracts the land and showers the water obtained from the rivers through attraction, similarly you should shower (use) the wealth received by the people for their benefit, just as the Sun holds the worlds around its circumference, in your capacity to hold, the protector, the people And the kings are situated.

There, Bhujyumashvina Sakhayo Mein Jahurdurevasah Samudre.
Nirim Parshadrava Yo Yuvaku:॥
(Rigveda 7.68.7)

O rulers, you should look with friendship at that enjoying emperor, who leaves the misery of living in one place and goes to the middle of the ocean (i.e., who travels across the oceans and acquires wealth and other material things from other countries for the benefit of the people). Who makes you happy and prosperous) and who continuously teaches you good conduct, protects you by removing your obstacles.

Shashwantam hi prachetasah pratyantam chidenasah.
Deva: Krunuth Jeevase.
(Rigveda 8.67.17)

Hey Dnyaneshwar! O generous one! O good warrior scholars! I request you to try to make those men who have always been habitual of committing crimes and sins, but are repenting after committing those sins and coming to your shelter, to make them well-educated and virtuous so that they can achieve real human life.

Varethe agnimatpo anti vadate vanavatraye vamavah. (Rigveda 8.73.8)

O King of Ashvidvaya and Amatya! Both of you, by speaking beautiful words, put an end to the fire of hunger, thirst etc. that is burning the community of children without parents, siblings (orphans). This great work is doable in your kingdom.

Asminsvetachchakaput ano hite mitra nigtaan hanti veeran.
Avorva Yaddhaat Tanushvavah Priyasu Yajnyasvarva.
(Rigveda 10.132.5)

The small sin (defect or evil) of this powerful man, beneficial friend and beloved king also reaches the heroes, friends and subjects below, spreads among them too and destroys them. Similarly, their qualities of protection, cooperation, love, nurture and knowledge etc. are passed on to their friends and dear subjects who attend satsang and they also receive them.

Gayatram ukthan cha na sasyamanam nago rayira chiket. Na Geeyamanam. (Samveda Purvachik 20.12.3)

A knowledgeable king should be able to understand the statement of the outspoken critic (critic), he must understand it (that is, he must consider his statement). Instead of getting angry at criticism, think about it with a calm mind and implement beneficial criticism.

Vi tisthadhvam maruto visvichchat grbhaayat rakshasah sa pinashtan.
Vayo yeh bhootva patayanti naktabhirye wa ripo dadhire deve adhvare.
(Atharvaveda 8.4.18)

O brave warrior! Spread across the society, search out, catch and crush those demons – those who spy on our nation by flying in the night like birds, and those who have resorted to violence in yagya and other auspicious activities having divine qualities, i.e. those good behaviours. Violence has entered into.

It would not be wrong to say that man learned all politics from the Vedas. We hope that today’s politicians also follow the Vedas so that not only the nation but the world is benefited.

read this also: Vedas: Why is the number of Vedas decreasing, now only twelve are left out of 1131 branches of Vedas
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