Longest Day Of The Year 2023 On 21 June Summer Solstice Know The Reason And Importance

Longest Day of the Year 2023: By the way, there are 365 days in a year and each day is of 24 hours. But there are four such days in a year, which have a different specialty. In these four days, there are 21 March, 21 June, 23 September and 22 December.

Astrologer Dr. Anish Vyas told that, on 21st June, the day is the longest and the night is short. This is the longest day on earth. That is, on June 21, there is the longest day and the shortest night on earth. On this day, the day is long and the night is short in all the countries present in the northern hemisphere. The special thing is that on this day, such a moment also comes in the afternoon, when even the shadow leaves the company of humans and other living beings.

On June 21, the day will be of 14 hours instead of 12.

On normal days, there is 12 hours of day and 12 hours of night. On the other hand, after December 21, the night starts getting shorter and the days start getting longer. While June 21 is the longest day. On this day there is a day of 14 hours instead of 12 hours. After this the day event will begin. By the way, once in 1975, June 22 was the biggest day of the year. Now this will happen in 2203.

Astrologer Vyas told that day and night are equal on normal days. Usually they are of 12-12 hours. But after December 21, the nights start getting shorter and the days start getting longer. Whereas June 21 is the biggest day. After this this incident starts. Similarly, June 21 has been said to be the longest day of the year. On this day, the day is long and the night is short in all the countries present in the northern hemisphere. The special thing is that, on this day such a moment also comes when your shadow leaves you.

when even the shadow leaves

Jyotishacharya Vyas told that there are 365 days in a year, except for four days, all the rest of the days are normal. These four days include 21 March, 21 June, 23 September and 22 December. The longest day is on 21st June. The special thing is that on this day a time comes in the afternoon when even the shadow leaves the company of humans and other living beings.

Sun will be above the Tropic of Cancer at noon

Astrologer Vyas said that on June 21, 2022, the sun will be above the Tropic of Cancer in the afternoon. This means that on this day the sunlight will remain on the earth for the longest time. On Earth the day would be early in the morning while sunset would be late, leading to the longest day and the shortest night. June 21 is the longest day of the year as well as the shortest night of the year.

Why is 21st June the biggest day

Jyotishacharya Vyas told that we all know that the earth revolves around its axis and in the orbit of the Sun. During parikrama, such a situation is created in the afternoon of June 21, when the Sun is above the Tropic of Cancer. This means that on June 21, the sunlight lasts the longest on the earth. That is, the day on earth is early in the morning and the sunset is late. Due to which June 21 is the longest day and shortest night. On this day the sunlight falls on the earth for about 15-16 hours. Because of which the duration of the day is the longest and when the sun is exactly above the Tropic of Cancer, during that time even the shadow is not formed.

After this the duration of the day starts decreasing

Jyotishacharya Vyas said that due to the rotation of the earth, after June 21, the duration of the day starts decreasing and the duration of the night starts increasing. Then on September 21, such a time comes when the duration of day and night becomes equal. After this, from September 21, the night starts getting longer and the duration of the day starts decreasing. On December 22, the night becomes the longest and the day becomes the shortest in a northern hemisphere. After this again on March 21 the sun is above the equator and on this day again the duration of day and night becomes equal.

That’s why there are day and night

Jyotishacharya Vyas told that due to rotation of the earth on its axis there are day and night. At the same time, the time keeps decreasing and increasing. If the earth was not there, then the part on the side of the sun would have always been in the light of the sun and the part on the other side would have been immersed in darkness.

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