Lunar dust 10 grams of moon soil make you a millionaire know How many kilos Lunar soil brought from moon on earth

Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) recently launched the SpaceX mission. The objective of this mission was to execute the docking and undocking system in space. Docking means connecting two spacecraft moving in space. Another big thing hidden behind ISRO’s Spacex mission is the success of Chandrayaan-4. If this mission is successful, India will bring soil from the Moon to Earth through Chandrayaan-4, on which research will be done.

However, here the matter will be only about the soil of the moon. Everyone knows that research is going on on the lunar soil to explore future possibilities on the moon. America, Russia and China have so far been able to bring soil from the Moon to Earth. Now India is moving in this direction. However, do you know how expensive the soil brought from the moon is? It can also make you a millionaire…

How expensive is moon soil?

The purpose of the soil brought to Earth from the Moon is to do scientific research on it, so that along with water molecules, minerals in the soil, other information about the Moon can also be obtained. As far as its value is concerned, the lunar soil collected by Neil Armstrong during the Apollo-11 mission in 1969 was auctioned by NASA in 2022. A small quantity of soil was auctioned for $5,04,375. This soil was collected by Neil Armstrong just before he took the first steps on the Moon in 1969.

America was the first to bring soil from the moon

The work of bringing soil from the Moon to Earth was first done by the American space agency NASA. NASA collected soil samples from the Moon for the first time in 1969 under the Apollo-11 mission. During this period, about 22 kg of soil was brought to earth. From 1969 to 1972, NASA launched several missions at once and about 382 kg of soil was brought to Earth. After this, Russia launched Luna-24 mission in 1976. This Russian mission had returned safely to Earth with about 170 grams of soil.

China has also brought moon soil

After America and Russia, China also successfully carried out its Moon mission. Among these two countries, China is the country which has brought soil from the Moon to the Earth. Recently, China’s moon mission Chang’e 6 mission successfully returned to Earth, under this mission 2 kilograms of soil was brought to Earth.

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