Make Tasty Peanut Butter French Toast for breakfast, children will have full stomach breakfast, this recipe is made in minutes


Peanut Butter French Toast can be a healthy breakfast option for adults as well as children.
You can make it in a very short time and give it to the children in the lunch box.

Recipe of Peanut Butter French Toast: Most people eat things made of bread for breakfast. Especially people consume toast more. Many times the mind gets bored after eating simple toast daily. Children also run away many times from eating bread butter, sandwich. We are telling you such a recipe of bread, which everyone will surely like after eating it. This is not a simple toast, but Peanut Butter French Toast. You can make this in a few minutes in the morning and give it to children and elders to eat. Giving Peanut Butter French Toast in the school lunch box can be the best and healthy option. Let’s know about the ingredients and method of making Peanut Butter French Toast here.

Ingredients for Peanut Butter French Toast

Bread – 4 slices
milk – half cup
Egg – 2
Peanut butter – 2 tbsp
Cinnamon powder – half tsp
Vanilla extract – 1 tsp
Butter – one tablespoon

Peanut Butter French Toast Recipe

Break the egg in a bowl and beat it well. Now add milk, cinnamon powder and vanilla extract to it and mix. Take bread slices and apply peanut butter on it one by one. Keeping this butter in the fridge has become tight and is not able to be applied properly on the bread, so heat it a little in the oven. In this way it will be easy to spread it on the bread. Now keep the pan on the gas and heat it. Put a piece of butter in it.

Now take a slice of bread and dip it in the egg mixture and keep it on the pan. Roast from both the sides till it turns golden brown. When the mixture of bread and egg is cooked well, take it out in a plate. You can put chocolate or maple syrup, cut favorite fruit on top of it. Cutting banana into slices can be the best idea. Enjoy eating it with family in breakfast.

read this also: Make multigrain dosa for high protein breakfast, you will get rich nutrition with rich taste, take help of this recipe

Tags: food, Food Recipe, Lifestyle

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