Make These 3 Soups At Home To Strengthen Immunity In This Winter

Homemade Soups For Immunity: The winter season brings many diseases with it. There is only one way to avoid these diseases and that is to follow a good diet. You can include homemade soup in your diet. Soups increase the immunity of the body and work to give warmth to the body. So let us tell you three such soup recipes which are beneficial for both taste and health.

1. Broccoli Vegan Soup

material required

Small chopped onions – 2

Chopped clove garlic – 4

Chopped Carrot – 1

Chopped Broccoli – 4 cups

Vegetable stock – 2 cups

Almond milk – 1 cup

Oil – 1 tsp

make soup like this

To make vegan cream, fry chopped carrots, onions and garlic in a pan. After roasting, add a few spoons of vegetable stock and cook till the vegetables become soft. When the vegetables become soft, add broccoli, almond milk and the remaining vegetable stock to it. Allow the soup to boil on medium heat and wait for the vegetables to become soft. Blend the soup in a blender to make it smooth. After blending, put the soup back in the pan and cook for a minute. Finally, add black pepper and salt and serve the soup hot.

2. Carrot and Beetroot Soup

material required

Ghee – 1 tsp

Chopped Carrot – 1

Chopped Beetroot – 1

Water – 2 cups

Lemon Zest – 1 tsp




Cardamom or Sasand

make soup like this

To make soup, first put ghee in a pan. After adding ghee, put ginger and all the spices in the pan and stir. Put chopped carrots and beetroot in the spices along with water. Let them cook on medium flame for 5-7 minutes. When the soup is cooked, blend the soup and make its puree. Your soup is ready, serve it hot with lemon zest.

3. Spinach Watering Soup

material required

Spinach puree – 1 cup

Chopped onion – ¼ cup

Chopped garlic – ¼ tsp

Gram flour – 1 tsp

Peel the water chestnut and cut it into thin pieces


Bay leaf

Vegetable stock – 2 cups

Olive oil – 1 tsp

Black pepper

make soup like this

To make soup, first add bay leaf, chopped garlic and onion in a pan and fry them in oil. When Bhagar is fried, add spinach puree to it. Let the spinach puree cook for 5 minutes. When the puree is cooked, add water chestnuts to it. After adding water chestnuts, add gram flour, cumin and black pepper. Your soup is ready. Add salt as per your taste and serve the soup.

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