Man stole 1 dollar from bank to get locked in federal jail utah america

You must have heard about many big incidents of theft, must have seen many such movies in which planning of theft and big incidents are shown taking place. But when you hear about the incidents of real life, you will be blown away. Recently, a thief from America carried out such an incident (American robber rob bank for 82 rupees) which is most shocking. He was so desperate to go to jail that he went to steal for a few rupees.

According to the report of the Audity Central News website, 65-year-old Donald Santacroce has recently carried out the strangest robbery incident, which is being discussed a lot. Donald, who lives in Utah, USA, reached the Wells Fargo Bank located on South Main Street in Salt Lake City on Monday and handed over a note to the cashier sitting there which read- “Please give me $1 (82 Give Rs.)

The person reached to steal 1 dollar
The bank employee thought he was joking, so he did not take the message seriously. However, he gave them $1 and asked them to leave. But Donald said that he had just robbed the bank, so the workers immediately called the police. When the employees laughed off this demand, then they sat in the lobby of the bank and started waiting for the police. He told the customers present there that they should be thankful that they did not have a gun. When the police were late in coming, Donald was also getting annoyed.

stealing to be jailed
When the police came and arrested him, Donald said that he should be locked in the federal prison and should not be allowed to leave, because if he leaves, then he will commit a similar robbery in a bank. He told that he had come to steal only to be lodged in the federal jail, so he did not demand much money. The person did not tell what was his motive, why did he come for the theft. According to the report, he has been released from jail till now, in such a situation, he can carry out such thefts in future also.

Tags: Ajab Gajab news, trending news, Weird news

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