Man threw own kids down from 15th floor to prove his love for girlfriend father killed toddlers for girlfriend

Man Threw Her Own Kids Down From 15th Floor: It is said that a person loses his ability to think and understand in love. He doesn’t see anything except the person in whose love he is immersed. Even if these things happen in teenage, then it is understandable, but if a person puts the children at stake just to prove his love after becoming the father of 2 children, then this matter becomes serious. A similar story from China is in headlines at the moment because not everyone can do this.

You must have seen people leaving their homes in love. They do big things to impress their girlfriend or boyfriend, but not everyone can do what this person did. To win his girlfriend’s heart, the father of two children threw her down from the high-rise building. Both her children died after falling from the 15th floor. The surprising thing is that even after this act, he is demanding an apology.

children thrown from 15th floor
According to the South China Morning Post, this man had to marry his girlfriend. Although the girlfriend said that she cannot live with any man who has children from her previous marriage. In such a situation, in the desire of marrying his girlfriend, this divorced man threw his two innocent children straight down from the building. This incident took place on November 2020 in Chongqing, China. The name of the predator’s father is Zhang Bo and the age of both the children was one and two years. He had killed the children by throwing them down one after the other from the 15th floor window.

both were sentenced to death
Since this work was done by a person named Zhang Bo on the instigation of his girlfriend, both of them were sentenced to death in December 2021. The mother of the children and the man’s ex-wife say that she wants to see them both die, while the man and his girlfriend have filed a higher appeal against the verdict. Zhang Bo has appealed for forgiveness, but the mother of the children says that she did not think anything while killing the children. In such a situation, they should also get the same punishment. They want justice for the children.

Tags: Ajab Gajab, Viral news, Weird news

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