Man wanted family to eat his flesh at his funeral weird funeral rituals

Every person has some desires of his own, which he wants to fulfill. Some he wants to see fulfilled while he is alive, and some he leaves for after his death. Generally, people tell their wishes related to their funeral to the family members, but if such a wish of a person comes to the fore, which cannot be fulfilled by the family members, then what should be done? Something similar happened with a family in Britain.

In our country, people do not like to talk about dying, but there are some bold people, who express their last wish while alive. They happily tell how to perform his last rites. However, the case we are talking about was different from this. This strange case has taken everyone by surprise as the man had said that he wanted the family members to eat his flesh after his death.

‘Family eats my flesh at funeral’
According to the report of the Daily Star, a person named Ian Atkinson researched the last wishes of people, then he was told about the wish of a British man who wanted to be served on the plate of his own family members after death. . He wanted it to be cut into pieces and fed to the family. Although cannibalism is not legal in Britain, his wish could not be fulfilled, but those who knew him were horrified.

This happens in tribal tradition
Let us tell you that even though this person’s wish could not be fulfilled in Britain, but if he had been born in a tribe named Senema, then this wish would have been fulfilled. Actually, the people of this tribe cover the dead body with leaves and other things for the last rites. After 30-40 days they bring him back and burn the leftover body. These people make soup and drink the ashes that remain after burning the body. This custom has been followed traditionally here.

Tags: Ajab Gajab, Viral news, Weird news

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