Man will be able to live for 130 years! That element found in blood, which will stop old age, scientist happy

Who doesn’t want to live a long life? For this, people make all kinds of efforts. We make many efforts to keep ourselves fit. But no one came immortal. One day or the other he has to bid farewell to this world. But now humans will be able to live for 130 years. This is not just imagination, it has also been scientifically confirmed. Actually, Chinese scientists have found an element in the blood which is helpful in preventing ageing. It is claimed that if this element is given to humans at a certain age, they will be able to live a long life.

According to the report published in Nature Aging Journal, Chinese scientists conducted this research on male rats who live for an average of 840 days. When he was 20 months old, he was given an injection containing this element every week. It was found that the age of rats started appearing less. His old age stopped and his working capacity increased. An increase of 22.7 percent was recorded in his lifetime, which is a record.

After taking the injection your age will be 120 to 130 years
Research team member Zhang Chenyu said, we were thrilled to see that many of the mice who received these injections survived for 1266 days. You can imagine that the rat which could not survive for more than 840 days, lived for 1,266 days. If we look at it in terms of the age of humans, then by taking the injection their age can increase to 120 to 130 years. Zhang Chenyu said, if its injection is prepared and permission is given to give it to humans, then rest assured that the lifespan of humans will increase. It will be possible for every person to live for more than 100 years.

can also be given with medicines
According to scientists, it can be given through medicines. There will be no need to change blood for this. The treatment will be quite simple and easy. The author of the research, Chen Xi, said – We clearly saw that it is working. This is the most powerful anti-aging element that we have found. It can work in our blood. Chen Xi told that this research continued for seven years. In this, data was collected from hundreds of rats. He said- Scientists have proved that sEVs carry nucleic acids and proteins into cells. This carries information to your brain. This also inspired us to do new research.

Tags: Awesome Awesome, The news is coming, Weird news

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