Mango also feels heatstroke, if the fruit is falling from the tree then do this small solution, there will be a strong harvest.

Bhagalpur. This time the weather patterns are not good. Rain in the middle of summer and then dry air. This time there is a severe lack of moisture in the westerly air. This is directly affecting the mango crop. Fruit is falling from the tree prematurely. Even if it is applied, the sweetness is less.

The summer havoc continues. In this, not only humans but also fruits get heat stroke in this season. Mango fruit is highest in this season. Especially if we talk about Bhagalpur, the mango here is famous even abroad. If mango gets exposed to heat, it dries up and starts falling. Even if it survives, its size becomes smaller. If mangoes are also falling from your tree then pay attention to this. Park officials are giving many measures to prevent this.

Some easy and important solutions
Park Officer Abhay Kumar Mandal said that right now there is lack of moisture in the westerly air. Due to this reason, the complaint of heatstroke is seen in mango fruit. In such a situation the fruit gets crushed. With this the sweetness of mango gets lost. Therefore, make a patwan in the mango orchard, this will maintain the moisture. By doing this the risk of heat stroke is reduced.

Irrigation with sprinkler
Abhay Kumar Mandal told that if we do Patwan through normal boring then a lot of water is used. The moisture also disappears soon. In such a situation, weeding through sprinkle can prove to be better. This will spread water all around the garden. Apart from this, drip system can also be done. Always keep watering the tree with this, because it is not possible to save it by spraying medicine. The more moisture there is in the garden, the more safe the fruits will be. Be sure to irrigate on time. This will also increase the size of the fruit. The fruits will also remain safe in the tree.

FIRST PUBLISHED: May 3, 2024, 19:53 IST

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