Mangoes from China-Japan-Australia grown in Desi garden, the king of fruits blooms in many colors and varieties, enjoy them throughout the year

Bhagalpur. Now you will not have to wait for summer to get mangoes. You will get mangoes whenever you want i.e. in every season. Something similar is happening in Bihar. Trees from many countries have been planted in a garden here which will bear fruits throughout the year. The interesting thing is that these Many common colors Are of.

The craving for mango awakens as soon as one hears its name. Many times, one feels like eating mangoes in the off season. But what to do? Where to get mangoes in the rain and winter? Now this problem is going to end soon. Such varieties of mangoes have been planted in Bihar which will bear fruits throughout the year. These include desi as well as foreign varieties. Soon, people will start getting mangoes throughout the year.

Research on 50 types of mangoes
When the Local 18 team reached Madhuban Nursery, the garden of Ashok Chaudhary of Bihar, famous as Mango Man, they saw that along with the Indian variety of mangoes, various kinds of colourful mangoes are also being grown. When the team talked to Ashok Chaudhary, he said that I do research on various kinds of mangoes. I keep the ones that taste good and then plant them. Chaudhary is also working on foreign varieties along with Indian ones. People are liking colourful mangoes more, so Ashok Chaudhary is working on many varieties.

Foreign mangoes in the desi garden
Ashok Chaudhary’s garden has mangoes from many countries. Famous varieties of mangoes from many countries including Australia, Japan, China, America, Vietnam are planted in it. Australia’s mango Kengiston is very tasty. Its yield is also quite good.

Enjoy the taste of mango throughout the year
Ashok Chaudhary said that such mango plants are also being prepared in his garden which will bear fruits throughout the year. This will also be planted on a large scale. People will soon be able to enjoy mangoes throughout the year.

Tags: bhagalpur news, healthy food, Local18

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