Many billionaires will be ready to be alive after death, how will they get money on coming back, a way has been found

Do you think that someday such a technology can come in the world that can bring a dead person back to life by putting life in his body? If yes, then there are many people in the world who think like you. These include very rich people, many of whom have died and have handed over their bodies to a special system. In this, their bodies will be preserved until scientists develop a technology to bring the dead back to life. But such people have now found a solution to another problem, when they will be alive again, then where will they get money from?

Yes, billionaires who wish to be alive again believe they have found the answer. The list of such people includes more than 5,500 people who have resolved to freeze in extreme cold immediately after death. This includes hundreds of rich Britons who have turned to a multimillion industry called cryonics.

Cryonics is the process of freezing a corpse until scientists can find a way to bring it back to life. Now when they wake up in the future, perhaps in 2084, they won’t do so without money, as they can now use the specialist ‘Resurrection Trust’ to preserve their fortune.

At present, many billionaires in the world have established themselves after their death. (Symbolic picture: Wikimedia Commons)

This is like any other trust where designated beneficiaries manage your assets after death. But in this case, the legal agreement names the frozen corpse or brain as the beneficiary, treating it as an unborn descendant. According to the Daily Mail, experts believe this is far more prudent than burying gold.

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You will not be surprised to know that cryonics involves huge costs and people spend at least 155,000 pounds or more than Rs 1 crore 68 lakh to freeze their bodies. If they are alive, they will get the money from their trust so that they can live their life again.

Tags: Amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Weird news

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