Many cities will become deserted by the end of the century, not a single straw will be visible, you will be surprised to know the reason

Thousands of cities in America are going to be deserted after 75 years. Which will look like a ghost town. This has been revealed in a recent study. According to the study, this will happen due to continuous climate change and decreasing population. If anything will be visible in these cities in the coming century, only roads, pillars and buildings will be visible. Here humans will not be seen far and wide.

Where will humans go?
A recent study has revealed that by the end of this century, almost half of 30 thousand American cities will be empty. A decline of 12 to 13 percent will be seen in these cities. If you are thinking that at that time humans will stop being born, then let us tell you that it is not so. Even at that time, people will be born in these cities but most of the people will move to places with better climate. Where they will get employment, better food and good weather.

There will be an impact on the economy
Actually, the impact of continuous climate change will be visible on the economy also in some time, because the way climate change is happening continuously, many natural disasters are likely to occur. Will come. Whose impact will be seen on crop production and other employment. The biggest problem will be of traffic because due to climate change, it will be very hot at some places and very cold at some places, the risk of floods will increase at some places and conditions like cyclonic storm and snowfall will be seen at some places. In such a situation, crops will also be affected and people will have to face problems in eating and drinking.

43 percent of American cities are losing their own people
In this study it has also been told that 43 percent of American cities are losing their own people. However, due to continuous climate change, this will increase to 64 percent. The worst conditions will be in the north-east and mid-west areas of America.                                          

Also read: 25 percent of 14 to 18 year old children are not able to read second class book, shocking revelation in the survey.

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