Mara Salvatrucha and 18 Street… these are the most dangerous gangs in the world

When you talk about big criminals in India, two or three names come to mind first. Like Dawood Ibrahim or Chhota Rajan. But when we talk about the most dreaded gangs in the world, the names of gangs like Mara Salvatrucha and 18 Street come up among them. The criminals of both these gangs are so cruel that they torture and kill their enemies. The biggest thing is that both these gangs are from the same country and from there they run their business all over the world. It is said about them that they hunt down traitors from anywhere and eliminate them. Let us tell you about these two gangs.

Which country do these gangs belong to?

Actually, Mara Salvatrucha and 18 Street, both these gangs are central. He is from El Salvador, a small country in America. There is a fear of his name in this country, people outside here are also afraid of him. These gangs are so dangerous that former US President Donald Trump himself had described them as extremely dangerous. Apart from El Salvador, they also have their reach in America. They are involved in the organized crime and drug smuggling happening there. This is the reason why American agencies and police take action against their members from time to time.

As many murders as many tattoos

Mara Salvatrucha and 18 Street In this way both the gangs are different and operate in different ways. But one thing is common among them, that is the many types of tattoos made on their bodies. It is said that in these gangs, the criminal who has committed the most murders has more tattoos on his body. That means a tattoo is made after every murder. These tattoos are the identity of these gangs. When common people see people with these tattoos, they automatically become cautious. Even the police of El Salvador keeps distance from these gangs.

Mara Salvatrucha Gang

Mara Salvatrucha Gang is known to the world as MS-13. Also known by the name of gang. It is said that this gang is more dangerous than 18 Street. This gang started in Los Angeles, California around 1980. Initially there were few members in this gang, but gradually this gang grew bigger and then it started indulging in big crimes. In the last more than 40 years, this gang has spread all over the world. Most of the criminals of this gang are of Guatemala, Salvador and Mexico origin. A criminal associated with this gang was arrested a few years ago and was sentenced to 1 thousand 310 years for his crimes.

18 Street Gang

18 Street Gang started around 1960. This gang is also known as Bario 18 Gang. It is said that more than 20 thousand criminals are associated with this gang. This gang stays away from small crimes, it is said that whenever a major crime occurs, the attention of the police first goes towards the members of this gang. This gang is also said to be connected to the Mexican drug mafia. It is said about this gang that if it kidnaps its enemies, it keeps them imprisoned for a long time.

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