married women should obtain marriage certificate know why is this so important document

Marriage Certificate: Marriage is a very important event in everyone’s life. Everyone takes the decision of marriage very thoughtfully. For this we meet many people. Know them and understand them. Then they decide to get married. In Sanatan Dharma, marriage is considered a very sacred relationship. And not only in Sanatan Dharma but in all the religions of the world, marriage relationship is given utmost importance.

After marriage, it is necessary to obtain a marriage certificate in many countries of the world. But it is not mandatory in India. If marriage certificate is not made after marriage. So women may have to face many problems. Why is marriage certificate necessary after marriage? Let us tell you.

That’s why marriage certificate is necessary

After marriage, it is especially important for women to obtain marriage certificate. Many such tasks happen after marriage. In such cases, women need a document as a certificate and marriage certificate is very useful in such cases. If a woman wants to change her surname after marriage. So she can get her surname changed by applying for marriage certificate. Apart from this, the woman has to change her address in the document. So marriage certificate can be used there also.

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These problems can happen

Generally many people in India do not obtain marriage certificate. Don’t get your marriage registered. However, not getting the marriage registered does not affect the validity of the marriage. But if there is no marriage certificate. So women especially may have to face a lot of problems without it. After marriage, many times cases like domestic violence, harassment and marital rape are seen. In such a situation, Hussain is put in a strong position. And the fight becomes easier for him.

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It has been seen many times that after the death of her husband, women have to face a lot of problems to get the right to property. In such a situation, if there is no marriage certificate then the difficulties increase. Without this, questions can be raised on the validity of the marriage. Therefore, it is very useful here also.

Many times a married couple does not get along well after marriage. But if the marriage is not registered then there is a problem in getting divorce. In the year 2024, the Supreme Court declared a marriage invalid because customs were not followed and the marriage was not registered, the husband and wife were going out somewhere together. So marriage certificate is also useful for visa and immigration. Without this, this work can also be difficult.

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