memory loss 7 tips to improve your memory read full article in hindi

As a person grows older, his body as well as his brain are deeply affected. The brain also starts slowing down as compared to the other organs. This condition is called having trouble forgetting repeatedly. However, the problem of memory loss can happen to anyone. But this problem starts increasing with age.

It is also said that memory starts to decline with age. In fact, many times it is due to excessive stress, tension or medication for a serious illness. Today, in this article, we will tell you in detail that to keep the brain young or in other words, healthy, special care should be taken of these things.

Do this to keep your brain young and active

To keep the brain active and young, along with keeping your lifestyle active, take special care of your diet. This creates new cells in the brain. And neurological plasticity is formed. Due to which the brain looks young. For this you can look at mental games, chess, Chinese check, cards and puzzles.

Do physical exercise

If you do physical exercise, then your muscles and brain work better. By exercising, the blood flow in the brain remains good and the brain cells also remain very active. Therefore, no matter what the age is, yoga and walking are a must.

Take proper care of your diet

To keep the brain healthy, take special care of your diet. For this, pay a lot of attention to vegetables, fruits, dry fruits, fish, eggs in your diet. Drink less alcohol but drink as much water as possible.

take care of cholesterol

When bad cholesterol suddenly starts increasing in the body, it harms the brain. Due to this, the risk of dementia increases. Therefore, if you are also feeling this or you are feeling unhealthy, then take special care of your diet and workout.

Avoid diabetes and BP

Both these diseases cause a lot of damage to the brain. So try to avoid the problems of unhealthy lifestyle. For this, lose weight, drink less alcohol, stay away from diabetes and high blood pressure. Because both these diseases cause dementia.

Keep your weight under control

By increasing weight, you are inviting many diseases for free. Therefore, whenever you feel that you are becoming overweight, then definitely keep it under control.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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