Men Grow Old Faster Than Women Know What Research Says About It

Due to today’s fast life and pollution filled environment, people are starting to look old before their age. But those who take more care of their lifestyle and eat and drink well, they manage their growing age. However, in the midst of all this, a study surprised everyone because it said that the signs of aging appear faster in men than in women. So let’s know why this happens.

why men age faster

According to a research by Finland’s University of Jyväskylä, men biologically age faster than women. The reason given behind this was that these problems are more in men because they smoke more than women. Along with this, the body texture of men is also bigger than that of women. Apart from this, the signs of aging appear earlier in men than in women. At the same time, Ana Kankanpaa, a doctoral researcher at the Gerontology Research Center and the Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences, says on this matter that she found in her research that men look older than women even after the same age.

Lifestyle also makes a difference

In this research done on men and women, it was also seen that the symptoms of aging in people are related to your lifestyle. That is, if your lifestyle is not right, then you will start looking old before your age. At the same time, it was found in this research that the lifestyle of men was more spoiled than that of most women. From eating and drinking to taking care of their bodies, women are far ahead of men. There is also a reason that men start looking old earlier than women.

women live longer than men

Research by Finland’s University of Jyväskylä found that women in Finland live 5 years more than men. This difference was highest in the year 1970, when the life expectancy of women was ten years more than that of men.

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