mental health how to control stress hormone cortisol in hindi

Tips to Control Stress Hormones : It is natural for anxiety to increase amidst the hustle and bustle of the day and work. Worries arise in the mind over small things. Sometimes tension about the future and sometimes work pressure becomes the cause of stress. A little anxiety is normal, but if it starts increasing too much then it should be taken seriously, because excessive worry or stress can cause many serious problems. This can increase blood pressure, cause anxiety or nervousness.

Stress can not only make you mentally ill but also physically ill. To get rid of this, it is very important to control the stress hormone cortisol. The stress hormone activated by the adrenal gland controls blood pressure, but when it becomes more active, it starts having a bad effect on health. In such a situation, know here how you can control the cortisol hormone to reduce stress…

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1. Exercise every day

If someone’s cortisol hormone has increased, then to control or reduce it, one should do exercise and yoga daily. This improves health and reduces stress. However, high intensity workouts should not be done.

2. Keep your diet balanced

To control the cortisol hormone, one should focus on improving the diet. For this, one should eat foods rich in protein, vitamin C, healthy fats and probiotics. Taking garlic, green tea and black tea also controls cortisol.

3. Do not drink tea or coffee at night

4. Get enough sleep

Cortisol levels are also affected when sleep is affected. Therefore, to reduce cortisol levels, one should take good and deep sleep. For this, one should follow a proper routine by keeping distance from gadgets after going to bed.

5. Focus on your hobbies

If stress is increasing, then involve yourself in your hobbies to reduce cortisol hormone. This keeps the mind calm and relieves stress. To reduce stress, visit your favorite place, do your favorite work.

6. Spend time with friends

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