Meteorological Department told about the danger of heat wave, do you know what happens in it?

As soon as the month of April starts, the heat has started showing its wrath. The weather department has also issued an alert regarding heat wave. According to IMD’s estimates, there may be a threat of heat wave in many states of the country this month. An increase in temperature may also be seen in the coming few days. In such a situation, people need to be more alert to be safe, but let us know why heat wave poses such a danger.

What is heat wave?
Heat wave means heat wave. When the temperature in the plains exceeds 40 degrees Celsius, it is called heat wave. If a person remains exposed to such temperatures and hot winds for a long time, he may suffer from heatstroke. 

Due to this, lack of water is also felt in the body. Also, some people may face problems like severe headache, vomiting and dizziness due to heat wave. If a person stays in a temperature of 40 degrees Celsius for a few hours, he starts showing symptoms of heat wave. Which can also cause death if timely treatment is not received.

How does a heat wave become fatal?
In many cases, a heat wave proves to be fatal when complaints like heart failure, heat stroke and kidney failure occur. When a person gets hit by heat wave, his body temperature also increases rapidly and at that time its effects can be seen. Many times in these situations the person even dies. Many such cases are seen during summer.               

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