Milk Can Cause You Heart Disease Know Why Scientists Make Such Claim

Milk Can Cause Heart Disease: Most people consider milk very beneficial for health. Many mothers give a glass of milk to their children before sending them to school, so that they remain healthy. It is believed that by drinking milk, many nutrients necessary for the body can be obtained. But have you ever thought that the milk you are drinking to stay healthy can become the cause of a dangerous disease. We are not saying this, rather this claim has been made by a scientist. A scientist has warned that milk can cause heart disease.

Dr. Justin Butler, who has done PhD in Molecular Biology from Bristol University, has claimed this. According to the Times of India report, Butler says that consuming all dairy products including milk can lead to heart disease. According to Dr. Butler, milk and milkshakes contain a large amount of saturated fat, which is very harmful for health. He cited a research that found a connection between consumption of high-fat dairy products and heart disease.

So what should not drink dairy ‘milk’?

Dr. Butler said that it is better to avoid dairy products and become vegan to avoid heart disease. According to research, blood pressure and cholesterol levels were seen to be very low in vegans. Not only this, the risk of heart disease was also very low in these people. At the same time, Dietician Tracey Parker of the British Heart Foundation also opposed the need to use dairy products. Parker said that it is not necessary to consume dairy products to avoid heart and circulation disorders. He said that advised not to use more fat dairy products. He said that low fat dairy products are the best.

Low fat dairy products are better!

According to him, low fat dairy products are useful if you are trying to keep your weight under control. Because calories are less in it. A report by the Heart Foundation has rejected the idea of ​​heart disease being related to milk and said that unflavoured dairy milk can be consumed to keep the heart healthy. People can consume people-fat products. Low-fat milk is considered a better option for people already suffering from any heart disease or high cholesterol.

Disclaimer: Before following the methods, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, do take the advice of a doctor or a related expert.

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