mini moon asteroid name 2024 PT5 will orbit the Earth for two months NASA Astronomers

Second Moon For Earth: Something big is going to happen in space in the coming days. You will be surprised to see this. If we tell you that soon you will see not one but two moons in the sky. Don’t you believe what we say? It may not happen but it is going to happen. Soon the Earth is going to get a new moon, and this has been told not by us but by NASA itself. NASA scientists have named the new moon 2024 PT5. In fact, according to the information released by NASA, an asteroid is going to revolve around the Earth for two months. This asteroid is being called mini moon.

How will people be able to see the mini moon?

Being small and made of blurry rocks, it cannot be seen with the naked eye. Apart from this, it will not be visible through domestic telescope. This mini moon can be seen only with astronomical instruments. According to astronomers, an advanced telescope will be required to see it.

Regarding the Mini Moon, it has been said in the research notes of the American Astronomical Society that this asteroid 2024 PT5 will revolve around the Earth for about two months between September 29 (Sunday) and November 25. After that it will return to its original gravity. At the same time, according to NASA’s calculations, people will be able to see this mini moon on September 29.

Mini moon will be visible for this amount of time

According to the information given in, according to the latest data available from NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory Horizons System, ‘Photos of the asteroid will start being received on September 29 at 3.54 pm (US local time) and will be visible on November 25 at 11.43. Will end.

ATLAS saw it first

NASA’s Asteroid Alert System (ATLAS) first saw this asteroid on August 7. According to NASA, this asteroid is 33 feet (10 meters) wide. This asteroid comes from the Arjuna asteroid belt, a diverse group of space rocks that orbit the Sun close to our planet.

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