Miracle of nature! Water suddenly started flowing from a tubewell that was dry for 20 years, crowd gathered to see it

Sea. A borewell in Sagar is in the news these days because this tubewell which was closed for 20 years is continuously gushing out water 24 hours a day. The Panchayat put a lid on the tubewell to stop the water, but even after this the water has not stopped flowing. Water is continuously flowing out from this borewell from underground. The people of the village are also calling it a miracle of nature. When the people of the nearby villages hear about it, they also reach there to see it.

The surprising thing is that neither a submersible has been installed in the borewell nor any other method is being used to extract water. But water is continuously flowing out of the borewell pipe at a fast rate. People are not able to understand why this is happening.

Water comes out from dry bore well
According to the information received from the local people, this borewell was dug about 20 years ago due to water shortage. But at that time, no water came out of it. Therefore, it was left like that without installing a motor, but after that, whenever there is good rainfall in a year, water starts coming out of it. Earlier, it used to go up to 10 feet, but then a lid was put on it. Due to it being on the side of the road, it was difficult for people to go out, they used to get wet in it.

This phenomenon is called an artesian well.
Regarding this, PK Kathal, Professor of Geology Department at Dr. Harisingh Gour Central University, explains that this artesian well is a deep well. It is dug in an underground lake of groundwater, an aquifer, in permeable rock to extract water under pressure. The pressure of the weight of the water brings it to the surface of the well, sometimes it even flows on the ground. When the water is empty, it gradually decreases.

Tags: Amazing news, Local18, Sagar News, viral video news

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