MIT Psychologist Warning Humans Fall in Love with Artificial Intelligence Girlfriend Know Details Here

Fall in love with Artificial Intelligence: The trend of AI is growing rapidly in the country and the world. People are preferring to spend most of their time online. People are rapidly forming connections with AI chatbots in this new era. Just like a man and woman are in a relationship, many such cases are coming to the fore where people are forming emotional bonds with AI chatbots.

MIT sociologist and psychologist Sherry Turkle has warned about the relationship between humans and AI chatbots. According to Sherry Turkle’s report, AI does not have enough intelligence to understand human emotions.

This thing came out in the report

In her report, Sherry Turkle has named the emotional bond being formed between humans and AI as ‘Artificial Intimacy’. This latest report is based on the relationship being formed between humans and technology. It states that initially interacting with AI is not dangerous for you, rather it will give you relief from stress, but later due to more connection, it will not be good for the emotional health of humans at all.

According to Sherry, there is a huge difference between the empathy given by humans and the empathy given by AI. The empathy that AI shows to humans is superficial. According to her, AI does not care about humans.

A man made a chatbot his ‘girlfriend’

In her report, Sherry Turkle has also talked about people who have a deep emotional relationship with chatbots. Where the person is in a romantic relationship with the chatbot girlfriend even after being married. Sherry Turkle says that due to lack of sex and romance in married life, that person had to resort to chatbots for emotional and mental peace. According to Sherry, ‘Artificial Intimacy’ is presenting a new challenge in today’s time. AI is definitely helping people, but forming an emotional bond with them can greatly affect the emotional health of humans in the future.

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